ANRS ICT Agency - ANRS ICT Agency |
AC – Assessment Center
AT – Assessment Tool
CoC – Center of Competence
CC – Certificate of Competence
ENQF - Ethiopian National Qualification Framework
FTA – Federal TVET Agency
MoE – Ministry of Education
NTQF – National TVET Qualifications Framework
NQC – National Qualification Certificate
OS – Occupational Standards
QMS – Quality Management System
RCC – Recognition of Current Competency
RPL – Recognition of Prior Learning
TVET – Technical and Vocational Education and Training
TEP – Technical Experts Panel
1. Introduction
The overall objective of the new national TVET strategy is to create a competent, motivated, adaptable and innovative workforce that plays pivotal roles in the poverty reduction and socio-economic development efforts of the country. This is achieved through facilitating demand-driven, self-employment oriented, relevant and outcome-based TVET at all levels. That is why the Ethiopian TVET system is reorganized into an outcome-based system. This means that identified competences of the labour market that are described in the occupational standards are the final benchmarks not only for training and learning activities but also for the assessment of competences and certification as well. Moreover, building an outcome-based TVET system creates access for equal recognition of competences acquired through whatever the means and ways of being competent.
This Manual is developed to provide reference to accredited Assessors in accomplishing their duties and responsibilities as frontline implementers of the assessment and certification system.
2. Definitions of Terms
2.1 Accreditation – In relation to assessment and certification, it is the process of recognizing and/or empowering a person and/or an entity/organization to perform certain roles or responsibilities on behalf of the Federal TVET Agency (CoC), in assessing the competence of candidates.
2.2 Assessment - The means of determining if a candidate possesses the required competencies of an occupational qualification as stated in the Occupational Standard (OS). It is a process of collecting evidence/s and making judgment on whether competence has been achieved
2.3 Assessor - A technical expert from Industry who is accredited by the CoC, whose responsibility is to determine whether a person seeking certification in a qualification level or on certain specific competencies has possessed the required knowledge, skills and attitude as indicated in the OS.
2.4 Assessors’ Panel – is an occupation-specific body created by the Regional Industry or Professional Association, whose members are accredited assessors.
2.5 Assessment Center - An establishment officially accredited by the CoC in collaboration with industry to manage assessment on certain specific competencies or qualification.
2.6 Assessment venue – This refers to a workplace or work station whether in a company or a TVET institution that has been identified and coordinated by the Assessors Panel / Regional Industry and the CoC to house assessment activities, for lack of available Assessment Centers.
2.7 Assessment Method– This is the means that an assessor applies to gather evidences in order to make decision whether the candidate is competent or not.
2.8 Assessment Tool -This refers to the nature of the assessment task given to a candidate, which will provide the assessor evidence of competence, to support his judgment on whether the candidate has possessed the competencies being assessed.
2.9 Candidate - An individual who applies for assessment and fulfills all the requirements for seeking recognition of his/her competencies.
2.10 Center of Competence - A government organization established by the regional government administration and delegated by the Federal TVET Agency to properly and effectively implement assessment for certification.
2.11 Certification– A formal process of recognizing an individual's competence measured against occupational standards.
2.12 Certifying Body- The organization responsible for issuing certification to a person who exhibited competence during assessment
2.13Competence – The possession and application of knowledge, skills and attitude required to perform the job of an occupation as indicated in the occupational standard.
2.14 Competence Certificate – A document issued to individuals who were assessed and found competent in a single unit or cluster of units of competence, but do not cover all that are required for a qualification.
2.15 Compliance Audit – A systematic and documented process of obtaining evidence on whether implementation of the occupational assessment and certification is compliant to the provisions of this directive
2.16 Moderation - is the process of bringing assessment judgments and standards into alignment. It is a process that ensures the same standards are applied to all assessment results within the same Unit(s) of Competency. It is an active process in the sense that adjustments to assessor judgments are made to overcome differences in the difficulty of the tool and/or the severity of judgments.
2.17 National Qualification Certification – A certification issued to individuals who are found competent in all units of competence of an occupational qualification level defined in the Occupational Standards.
2.18 National TVET Qualifications Framework (NTQF) - An outline of the system of TVET qualifications defining qualification levels and rules for assigning levels to a qualification or part of a qualification
2.19 Occupational Standard – A standard defined by experts of an industry sector indicating the competencies and their respective performance criteria that are required, for a worker to perform the various tasks of the occupation in industry.
2.20 On-Site Assessment - An assessment process where the candidate is being assessed for unit/units of competence which is/are actually performed at the industry workplace.
2.21 Portfolio - A collection of different types of evidence relating to the work being assessed.
2.22 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – The acknowledgment of a person’s competence acquired through previous training, work or life experience, to award a TVET qualification upon proof of competence through assessment against occupational standard.
2.23 Qualification – A defined set or group of units of competence identified by the industry which meets workplace requirements.
2.24 Qualification Levels – Details the scope and composition of qualifications and degree of responsibility a qualified person can assume in the workplace.
2.25 Regional Industry & Professional Association - is a sector-specific industry body that shall be composed of technical experts from the Regional agencies of the Ministry in-charge of the sector, and technical personnel from leading industrial firms operating in the region, including professional associations
2.26 Validation - A quality review process. It involves checking that the assessment tool produced is valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgments to be made as to whether the requirements of the relevant aspects of the Training Package or accredited course had been met. It includes reviewing and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, process and/or Outcomes.
3. .General Background and Principles
3.1 The occupational assessment and certification system is in support to the provisions of the Article 11 of the "Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)" Proclamation No--/20--, authorizing the Federal TVET Agency to design, innovate and adopt processes suited for the development of Occupational Standards, and the proper implementation of the Assessment and Certification System.
3.2 The ENQF allows national, comprehensive and flexible certification system for the TVET sector as well as the lower and middle-level manpower of the industry.
3.3 The partnership of the leading agencies of government and the private industries is one important factor that will assure the relevance of the Occupational Assessment and Certification system to the manpower requirements of the private enterprises as well.
3.4 Assessment shall be the means of determining the ability of Ethiopian Technical and Vocational Education and Training system to supply the industry with competent workforce.
3.5 The Assessment and Certification system does not discriminate a person from being served, whether he/she acquires the competencies inside or outside the TVET institutions.
3.6 Assessment by qualification level shall be implemented in all occupations for those candidates, who applied for qualification-based assessment; the assessment starts from the lowest qualification level and proceeds to the level of the occupation applied for.
3.7 Assessment by unit/s of competence shall be implemented in all occupations for Candidates, who applied for assessments by unit/s of competence.
3.8 Assessment shall be conducted only in accredited assessment centers and by accredited assessors
3.9 The system provides recognition for both prior learning and current competences (RPL and RCC). This means any person who believes that s/he is competent enough in a specific level of an occupational qualification, (either for the whole qualification or set of competencies) resulting from work experience or relevant education and training, may apply for an assessment
3.10 The Assessment tools developed by the Assessors’ Panel shall undergo proper validation by the Regional Industry/ Associations to ensure that the tool will provide the correct evidence for the assessor to judge whether the candidate is competent in performing the job according to standards or present accepted practices of industry.
3.11 Validated assessment tools shall undergo proper moderation procedures by FTA to ensure that the tools used by the different CoCs / assessment centers shall be able to provide the same evidence for similar competencies assessed.
3.12 The same assessment tool shall be used for all candidates (industry experts, Trainers, TVET trainees & unemployed)
3.13 The Certification issued to candidates, whether NQC or CC is valid in all regions of the country, and shall serve the purpose fort which such certification is required.
4. Rules on the conduct of Assessment for Assessors
4.1 Assessment shall be conducted only by accredited assessors
4.2 The assessor shall only admit for assessment candidates who are registered with valid admission slip;
4.3 Only candidates who signed the Competency Assessment Agreement form and the Attendance Sheet shall be allowed to proceed with the Assessment process.
4.4 The assessor shall conduct the assessment according to the procedures indicated in the Assessment package
4.5 The maximum number of candidates to be handled by one assessor in one assessment session shall be 10 (ten)
4.6 The assessor should undertake and finalize the assessment once the assessment schedule has been announced.
4.7 The assessor shall see to it that the candidate follows correctly the instructions in the Candidates Assessment package
4.8 The assessor must not allow the candidate to go on the assessment process if Safety is not properly practiced, which will put to risk life and property.
4.9 In the Practical Test, a candidate must accomplish all tasks/projects successfully resulting in a product, service or decision according to Assessors Tool prepared.
4.10 Both practical projects and knowledge based test form the entire assessment package and shall be conducted in the same schedule.
4.11 A set of questions (written for level III to V and/or in form of interview for levels I and II) will be included in the assessment package on underpinning Knowledge and generic competencies. Minimum of 50% correct answers is required.
4.12 In case the candidate’s practical demonstration of skill is wrongly practiced in terms of safety that causes danger on the life and property, the assessors should not allow candidates to continue the assessment.
4.13 Summary results of Assessment shall be accomplished on the day of the assessment.
4.14 Assessors shall be prohibited by the CoC to conduct Assessments in a Center where it is found that some candidates assigned are relatives, friends or known to have some conflict of affiliations/ beliefs with some candidates.
5. The Assessment Process.
Steps in conducting Assessment
5.1 Establish the assessment context
• Physical setting
• Tools, equipment and facilities
• Materials
• Purpose of assessment
• Access to support personnel
• identifies the relevant Unit(s) of Competence and Assessment Guidelines
5.2 Prepare the candidate
• inform the candidate about the unit of competency, the evidence requirement, the evidence gathering process, the role of the assessor
• outline the assessment procedure, the preparation which the candidate should undertake and answer any questions
• designed reasonable adjustment to ensure that all candidates are treated equally in the assessment process
5.3 Plan and prepare the evidence gathering process
• Obtain and/or prepare the evidence gathering tools.
• establish a plan for gathering evidence about the candidate’s performance in order to make the Assessment decision
• organize equipment or resources required to support the evidence gathering process
5.4 Collect the evidence & make the assessment decision
• Implement the evidence gathering process and ensure its validity, sufficient, current, authentic, consistent, reliability, fairness and flexibility
• Strategic consideration of evidence should involves:-
ü Efficient assessment processes to the collection, consideration and judgment of evidence:
ü focusing on evidence that gives an immediate indication of competence
ü using other evidence to address less critical areas, fill gaps or confirm judgments
• collect appropriate evidence and match compatibility to the elements, performance criteria, range of variables and Evidence Guide in the relevant units of competency
• evaluate evidence in terms of the four dimensions of competency – task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills and job/role environment skills
• record details of evidence collected
• make a judgment about the candidate's competence based on the evidence and the relevant unit[s] of competency
5.5 Provide feedback on the assessment
• The assessor must provide advice to the candidate about the outcomes of the assessment process. This includes providing the candidate with:
• clear and constructive feedback on the assessment decision
• information on ways of overcoming any identified gaps in competence revealed by the assessment
• the opportunity to discuss the assessment process and outcome
• information on reassessment process, if required
5.6 Record and Report the result
• record the assessment outcome
• maintain records of the assessment procedure, evidence collected and the outcome according to the Policies and procedures of the organization
• maintain the confidentiality of the assessment outcome
• Endorse assessment results / outcomes to supervisor or coordinator
6. Specific Duties and Responsibilities of an Assessor
6.1 Before the Assessment
A. Establish the assessment context and purpose of the assessment
B. Familiarize with the units of competence to be assessed; particularly:
• Assessors’ guide
• Assessment methods
• Time duration
• Evidence to be collected
• Performance Criteria
•Assessment arrangements
C. Inspect Assessment Centers/ venues, together with CoC representative, for readiness in implementing assessments,.to ensure , compliance with the following:
· Relevant OHS requirements
ü Proper lighting & ventilation
ü Properly marked risk areas
· Assessment project requirements
ü Sufficient and functional equipment and tools
ü Available supplies and materials according to specifications
ü Continues availability of Power as required by the project/s.
D. Notify candidates through the Assessment Center / CoC of any resources the candidates have to bring during the assessment
E. Other duties:
l Develop Assessment tools under the facilitation of the Regional Industry / Association and the CoC as a members of Assessors panel.
l Provide advice on the selection of Assessment tools to be used, the assessment Center or venue, the Assessment arrangement (whether on-site or simulated ), and the schedule of assessments
l Makes necessary modifications of the tools with the supervision of the CoC and the Regional Industry/ Associations
6.2 On the Day of Assessment
A. Check the candidate’s registered number
B. Facilitate filling-up of attendance sheet
C. Accomplish Competency Assessment Agreement
D. Provide overview of the units of competence to be assessed
E. Orient the candidates (Time allotment is 30 minutes)
F. Provide instruction to the candidate and ensure that candidate’s booklet have no missing pages
G. explain the context and purpose of the assessment and the assessment process
• outline the assessment procedures to be undertaken
• seek feed back regarding the candidate’s understanding of the occupational standard/units of competence being assessed, evidence requirements and assessment process
• make all necessary announcements before the start of the assessment
• specify the do’s and don’ts inside the assessment venue
H. Ensure proper provision of equipment, tools and materials, according t o t he assessment guide.
I. Administer the assessment in accordance with the outcome-based assessment methodology, in particular with the instructions given in the Assessors Package:
• Give specific instructions to the candidates clearly and provide each candidate with a copy of the Candidate Instructions Guide and worksheets’
• Make certain that the candidate fully understands what is expected and follows correctly the instructions in the Candidates package, including the time limits allowed to finish each assessment project.
• Stay at the assessment area during the entire duration of the assessment activity and observe the candidate perform the tasks
• Inhibit self from providing any assistance during the assessment or indicate in any way whether the candidate is or not performing the activity correctly. Intervene only for safety reasons.
• Record the details of the evidence collected in the candidates performance (measurements, procedures, use of .tools .& equipment, quality of finish ) according to the Assessment Guide, and considering the four dimensions of competency– task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills and job/role environment skills.
• Verify candidate’s underpinning knowledge & skills, especially when observed to be performing improper procedures and unsafe practices. Stop Assessment activity when safety precautions are not known and properly executed.
6.3 After the Assessment activities of the candidate
A. Provide feedback on the outcome of the assessment process. This includes providing the candidate with:
• Clear and constructive feedback on the assessment decision
• Feedback should indicate whether the candidate is COMPETENT or NOT YET COMPETENT
• Information on ways of overcoming any identified gaps in competency revealed by the assessment
B. Ensure that candidate’s booklet have no missing pages
C. Prepare the necessary assessment reports and properly signed by concerned Party. (Competence Assessment Results Summary)
D. Endorse assessment results/outcomes to CoC supervisor together with all the packages used in the assessment activity
E. Recommend measures that will improve the assessment system, including improvement of the occupational standards
7. Desirable Work Values of an Assessor
A. Proudly projecting corporate image (e.g. adheres to specified rules and regulations)
B. Rendering whole-hearted commitment/ involvement (assumes full responsibility on the job willingly; considers work as a contribution to the betterment of the community/country)
C. Showing untarnished integrity (honest, sincere; allows truthfulness to prevail; stands up for one’s belief)
A. Showing high degree of proficiency in skills and knowledge (uses utmost knowledge and skills; plans and organizes work carefully; aspires for EXPERT level)
B. Taking pride in one’s work ( shows undiminished enthusiasm on the job; carries out assigned task willingly; maintains high energy level, works systematically)
C. Practicing creative expression ( devises system to improve work methods; introduces innovations and new techniques; promotes attitudinal and behavioral change)
A. Promoting environment conducive to job (establishes rapport easily; Feels free to relate to others; listens attentively to spoken and unspoken words; adjusts easily and respects feeling)
B. Expressing self warmly ( shows courtesy even to non-equals; communicates clearly and effectively; handles unwanted behavior tactfully)
C. Presenting oneself as a source of inspiration (controls emotion outburst; shows patience, exercises self-control; practices self- discipline)
A. Showing impartiality and fairness on the job (treats people fairly and justly; complies strictly according to standards; observes rules and regulations intently; maintains sense of fairness)
B. Practicing professional ethics (safeguards the validity of test instruments; observes confidentiality; asserts authority, shows consistency; promotes safety consciousness; maintains integrity at all times)
A. Observes guidelines religiously
B. Approaches tasks methodically
C. Gives instructions accurately
D. Stresses important points accordingly
E. Insists on following instruction
A. Observes cost-saving habits
B. Assesses needs and resources
C. Requests for the right kind/quality of materials
D. Maximizes use of materials available
E. Avoids wastefulness
A. Following work schedule (observes time targets, practices punctuality;allots time for every task; delivers work on or before deadline)
B. Providing allowance for emergencies (considers peak times;)
C. Accepts overtime work willingly;
D. Works effectively in time-pressured circumstances)
8. Assessor's accreditation
The procedures which are provided in this Article are designed to ensure quality performance of the Assessment process, thereby assuring validity and reliability of the Assessment result.
8.1 To be accredited as an assessor an individual must:
A. Be a practitioner of the occupation in industry for a period of not less than 3 years with basic communication skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing in the language of assessment. In addition, he/she is required to complete the Assessors Methodology Training successfully and the involvement in at least 2 assessment activities on the occupation to be accredited.
B. Be a holder of National Qualification Certificate (NQC) higher by at least one level to the qualification level under assessment, or with the same level, .for the highest qualification level assessed.
C. Have supervisory job experience in industry for at least 2 years and a minimum educational qualification of first degree., in addition to the Qualification level IV or V certification, to be qualified to assess candidates in these levels.
8.2 Accreditation of assessors shall be valid for three (3) years. It may be terminated or renewed based on his performance and his actual practice of the occupation.
8.3 Renewal of accreditation shall be decided upon by the CoC in consultation with the Regional Industry / Association.
8.4 Scope of Assessor’s Accreditation:
a. An Assessor shall only administer assessment in the occupation and qualification being accredited;
b. Assessors accredited by a CoC in one region can conduct assessment in other region upon invitation of the concerned CoC
c. The Assessor shall at all times observe the provisions of the Directive on the proper conduct of the assessment
8.5 Accreditation Certificate Code
The Accreditation code placed in the Certificate of accreditation shall contain the following:
AS = Assessor
AS |
IV |
2011 |
2013 |
02 |
1234 |
Serial number (4 digits)
Region Code (2 digits)
Year Expiry (4 digits)
Year issued (4 digits)
ENQF Level (I -V)
Sector Code (XXX)
8.6 Revocation of Assessor’s Accreditation
Aaccreditation of an assessor is revoked at any time on the following grounds:
A. Violation of the defined procedure in the conduct of assessment.
B. Corrupt practices involving with the candidate.
C. illegal exaction of fees other than those approved by the government,
D. Unsatisfactory rating of the performance evaluation by the CoC and Regional industry/ association.
E. Falsification or fraudulent duplication of documents.
F. Tampering of the NQC or CC.
G. Substitution of person who took the assessment
H. Any other violation resulting to serious injury, loss of life of a person or significant damage to property and environment committed.
I. The assessor is dismissed from the assessors’ panel and his wrong-doing is reported to his/her employer and legal body for appropriate action.
8.7 Renewal of Accreditation of an Assessor
8.1.1 Renewal of accreditation shall be decided upon by the CoC in consultation with the Regional Industry / Association.
8.1.2 An Assessor’s Accreditation Certificate that has already reached three years (Expiry date) may be renewed with the following conditions:
A. The Performance rating of the Assessor from the evaluation
instrument installed by the CoC reveals a very satisfactory
B. The Assessor willingly apply to the CoC for renewal of
C. During the term of the Assessor’s accreditation, there are no
complains made from the side of the candidates.
D. The Assessor is still practicing the occupation he is accredited,
as an industry worker, and his National Qualification
Certificate is still valid.
. NAMES: |
2. Sex |
3. Civil Status |
[ ] Male [ ] Female |
[ ] Single [ ] Widower/Widow [ ] Married [ ] Separated |
4. Occupation |
5. Date of Birth |
6. Home Address |
7.1 Email Address |
8. Employer |
9. Address of Employer |
8.1 Type of employer: |
a. Industry – based : b. Institution- based: |
8.2 Self-employed ( entrepreneur) |
9. Field of Expertise |
10. Mobile No. |
11. Telephone No. |
12. Education/ Training: |
Name of Institution |
Course of Study |
TVET/ Degree |
Inclusive Dates of Attendance |
13. Record of Relevant Trainings, |
Title of training (e.g. Assessment Methodology) |
Inclusive dates |
No. of Hours |
Conducted By (Organization) |
14. Qualifications Acquired: ( To be filled by CoC Personnel) |
Occupation |
Level |
Date of Assessment |
Last Updated (Wednesday, 21 July 2021 13:23)